You can’t have an orgasm without it.
Oxytocin is released from the brain to trigger labor. If your baby has passed the due date and nothing is happening, you're likely to be given a IV of Pitocin. Oxytocin, in various forms, is used in hormone therapy, to speed delivery time for women in labor and to treat fertility.
The chemical version of the hormone was created in 1953 and earned its creator a Nobel Prize.
Because it enhances trust and helps people to tune into the emotions of others, oxytocin been considered in the treatment of autism, social phobias and addiction.
Of course, you’re thinking, “Is this related to OxyContin and oxycodone?” OxyContin and oxycodone are powerful narcotics used to relieve pain and yes, they’re highly abused drugs. You can see why they make you feel really good.
If you’re prescribed “oxy”, be very careful about the seductive effects of this medication. Carefully monitor your use.
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