Let’s face it, the world is a mess and children are usually the victims.
We know that it doesn’t take a war to harm a child’s fragile life. Children 6 years and older who experience traumatic events have an average lifespan that’s 19 years shorter than kids who don’t have those experiences. They’re also twice as likely to die by age 65 than others.
Emotional, physical, or sexual abuse and even a dysfunctional household can cause this decline in life expectancy.
Stressors build up, leading to difficulties with emotional control which then affects the way kids think and develop.
Even a single dose of stress negatively affects brain development and impacts the functioning of multiple organ system.
Early stressors alter the hormonal systems and reduce immunity to disease.
The younger the child, the more vulnerable they are to the effects of trauma.
Keep kids safe. If you can't and the child has already experience trauma, get help for them. Monitor their health, both physical and mental, as they move along through life. At each developmental stage, the trauma will reappear and manifest in different ways. Be prepared. Don't minimize it.
The events that have happened to them are not their fault, but society will make it their responsibility.
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