What do you think when I say the word “depression”? Do you think, “Oh, that’s when people are really sad”? The saddest person in the room might not actually be depressed.
The depressed person is the one you’d never suspect. They’re trying to convince you and themselves that they’re happy.
Depression doesn’t usually scream for help. It’s like drowning.
It’s often a quiet death of the soul.
It’s sleepless nights, getting sadder at certain times of the year, needing to be around people, but pushing them away, crying for no reason, feeling your whole body in pain, having no energy and waiting for that dark cloud hanging over your head to finally rip open.
It’s about extremes. Being overly active or not, eating everything or not, being a workaholic or paralyzed in bed all day.
Is this you? There are many effective treatments. Don’t suffer needlessly.
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