Pediatricians are now warning that today’s marijuana isn’t the pot of days gone by. Why? Because new strains are being created, it’s much more potent and potentially risky now.
It’s a problem for several reasons, one of which is that kids are using it earlier and earlier and they’re using more frequently; 20% are frequent users.
Nearly 10% percent of kids first tried it before age 13. Kids between 12 and 17 think it’s harmless and not a problem, but it is.
The latest studies indicate that smoking pot several times a month reduces memory and planning skills and if you start in the early teen years, your IQ drops.
Early use more likely results in addiction in adulthood. Teenagers’ brains are vulnerable because they undergo significant changes in these years. Any toxin influences those brains in negative ways.
Parents, delay your kid’s use for as long as possible. It’s not the pot of your youth.
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