Studying the brains of living NFL players reveals that a chemical called tau is associated with repeated concussions. Previously, tau was detected only during autopsies, but now, it can be seen using PET scans.
The results of these PET scans show that the more concussions a player had, the more tau was present in the brain.
Tau impacts the amygdala which is involved in memory functioning and is the emotional center of the brain. This makes sense considering the kinds of tragic events with former and current NFL players we’ve seen in the news.
Am I saying not to let your kids play football? Maybe. If Jeff doesn’t eat, sleep, and breathe football, you might redirect him, but if it’s in his blood, you may cause a lot of problems if you step on his dreams.
Know the risks; consult with a neurologist about managing concussions. Monitor the tau in Jeff’s brain. Keep careful records of any concussions and specific post-concussive behaviors.
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