- If your child is interested in the toilet
- Can rise from or sit on a potty chair
- Can pull their pants up and down
- Can understand basic directions and
- Stays dry for two hours or more....they’re probably ready
Do they communicate to you when they need to go? If they haven’t developed the vocabulary, give them the words and avoid baby talk.
- When the time is right, get out the equipment, make sure they fit comfortably in the chair and place it in the bathroom.
- Schedule frequent breaks to sit on the chair so they get accustomed to the physical sensations of urinating.
- Take a portable potty when you’re away from home. Teach girls to wipe from front to back.
- Praise their efforts even when they aren’t successful.
- After several weeks of success, move to underwear that your child selects.
There's no magic sauce involved. They're in charge. The only thing you can do is to provide the environment and encouragement. Kinda like the whole sleeping process. There is no "trick" to it. Don't buy into it. Your child will eventually use the toilet independently.
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