Not a surprising course of events, in my experience with adults with undiagnosed and untreated ADHD.
John has a degree in mathematics and he taught for years until there was an "incident", now he cannot get a job in a school. And, he's not likely to because as soon as his fingerprints are put through a Department of Justice background check, his record will come up and he'll be deemed "unhireable".
John, you can benefit from a formal diagnostic workup. Here are a few options...
1. You live in Arizona. Here's the link to the Arizona Psychological Association Help Center.
Click on the "Talk to an Expert" button and tell them about the (likely) depressive symptoms you're experiencing from not being able to find someone who can formally diagnose and treat you for ADHD.
2. The University of Arizona has an adult outpatient treatment center. Here's the link.
3. Go to the Attention Deficit Disorder Association website to learn more.
4. Here's a link to treatment centers in Phoenix. Notice how ADHD and addiction are grouped together.
5. If you have access to the VA, contact their psychiatry program to see if you can get in to get an assessment.
I realize this is a long process. What isn't a long process? Keep at it. Don't give up. You only fail when you quit.
Once you get diagnosed and treated, then it's time to start on reconfiguring your skills and education to align with a career that will give you a living wage.
The University of Arizona may have a career counseling center for adults who aren't students. If they don't reach out to this National Career Development Association. This link will help you find someone close to you to guide you through the process of determining a career.
I referenced the book, Late, Lost and Unprepared as a guide for parents. Here it is on, what else? Amazon!!
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