1. I proposed some different ideas for Mother's Day instead of buying her "something".
Think about taking her to dinner and the movies because she so rarely does anything she wants to do. It's "gotta do" that drives her life.
Take her somewhere she's always wanted to go, but never found the time or someone to go with or take her. Maybe a botanical garden that's a bit too far away? How about a golf or tennis match? Maybe she just wants burgers to eat in the park with you.
Does she love art or music? Spend an afternoon in a museum or a concert. You don't have to spend a fortune for an expensive music star. If you live near a university, their music program has performances she may enjoy. What about her favorite band when she was younger? Are they still around?
Take the time to spend with her and learn about who she was "BY"..."Before You".
- Where did she go to elementary school? Who was her best friend? Teacher?
- What was life like for her in middle school? High school? Who were her friends and what did they do together? Did they get into trouble? Did they go to school events like football games? Look through her year book with her and learn about what her life was like on a daily basis.
- What was family life like for her? Did she go to church? Were there family traditions?
- Has she ever been to the beach? To play in the snow? Walk through a forest?
So much to learn. You'll be able to tell your kids one day instead of saying, "I really don't know much about grandma" after she's passed. What a shame.
If you go to a concert every two weeks, no matter how big or small and no matter the kind of music, you'll add a decade to your life. Here's the scoop on that...
2. I'm not one to color my hair wild shades, but I'd go for some of these and these!
3. Pepperoni Pizza-Flavored Lipstick is a real thing! You might want to try it out!
4. A mom sent a question over the "Ask Me" button at drclaudia.net about her son who struggles with dyslexia and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. He's making failing grades despite working hard and now, he's about to be disqualified from his high school football team because he doesn't have the minimal, required grade point average.
I recommended that she contact the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates to get representation to keep her son from being thrown off the team which may cause him to spiral into a depression. Basically, he's being punished because the school has failed to offer him a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) which is required by law.
I also recommended that he have a comprehensive assessment covering both educational and social-emotional functioning. Requesting an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) and being awarded this kind of private assessment paid for by the district is likely going to require an advocate or attorney.
I also recommended that he undergo a comprehensive language processing assessment because of the relationship between language competence and dyslexia. Here are two of my blog posts on evaluations
- The Special Education Assessment
- Assessment Plan for Kids with Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Dyslexia
Mother's son may benefit from intensive remediation from specialized services such as Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes.
Mother may be able to get her son a waiver to still play ball in light of the situation. But, just because he's on the football team, doesn't mean that he's going to get the education he needs for a lifetime of employment and self-sufficiency. Cover all of the bases!!
See you next week on the radio!