Image by Jennifer Menendez from Pixabay
We already know that not getting enough sleep contributes to serious health problems, but it also causes your cells to age faster, especially if you’re a child. A study of nearly 2000 American kids indicated that their sleeping habits are leading to disturbing levels of cellular aging resulting in heart disease, neurological disorders, cancer and psychological problems later in life. Children should be sleeping at least 9 hours a night, 10 to 11 is preferable. The more they sleep, the healthier they are, unlike adults who have problems with thinking when they get too much sleep. When anyone of any age sleeps, the brain cleans itself of debris and proteins as well as dying or dead cells making it work more efficiently and able to fight off disease. If your child isn’t sleeping enough, find out why and intervene. Help them have a long and healthy life. Claudia Join me on Facebook at Dr. Claudia McCulloch. At, click on the "Ask Me" button and send me a question. Sign up for the Sunday newsletter. Don't miss a thing!
You do everything you can. You use antibacterial gel on your hands. You keep your hands away from your eyes, ears, nose and mouth. You don’t put stuff in your mouth. You stay away from anyone who appears to be sick. But, you get the flu or a bad cold anyway. Why oh why? It’s because many virus and bacterial species, once sneezed or coughed out of someone’s body, have a half-life of 10 minutes, but can still hang around and infect you for a whopping 45 minutes. You think you’re home free, but then, you unwittingly walk through a cloud of droplets with bacteria and you’re done for. You can’t protect yourself against every bug. All you really have control over is your diet, exercise, sleep and general life outlook. Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol and obviously, illegal drugs. If you do get sick, stay home and rest until you’re better. Don’t spread it around. Claudia Join me on Facebook at Dr. Claudia McCulloch. At, click on the "Ask Me" button and send me a question. Sign up for the Sunday newsletter. Don't miss a thing! Image by Tracy Lundgren from Pixabay
An apple a day keeps the doctor away and eating chicken soup when you’re sick are thought to be old wives’ tales, but science backs them up. Apples keep your blood and bones healthy and fight off cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Chicken soup is appealing because it’s comforting, but chicken soup actually thins mucus and moves it out and bone broths, in general, reduce inflammation. And, what about the tale that cautions against having ice cream before bed because it can give you nightmares? Sad, but true. Sugary or caffeinated treats before bed cause a shift in metabolism which turns on a lot of signals in your body, especially your brain. This increase in activity can lead to more vivid dreams. Yikes! Finally, fish is brain food. Fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that restore and strengthen brain cells and help them fight off diseases. I guess the old girls were right! Claudia Join me on Facebook at Dr. Claudia McCulloch. At, click on the "Ask Me" button and send me a question. Sign up for the Sunday newsletter. Don't miss a thing! Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay People laugh when they’re interacting with each other. It’s contagious. Even if something is really funny, we don’t laugh when we’re alone. We’ll talk out loud to ourselves and smile, but we won’t laugh. In fact, we laugh 30 times more together than alone. That tells us the bonding power of laughter. Humans rely on cooperation to achieve shared goals and to survive. Laughter helps to reduce tension and increase cohesiveness. Having a sense of humor is an excellent coping strategy. Women prefer men with a good sense of humor because it suggests they’re intelligent and compatible. However, in order for a couple to be in sync, they must agree on the kind and quality of humor they enjoy. If he’s a prankster, she may see him as juvenile. If she likes dark humor, he may question her judgment. Humor in a relationship is important. Pay attention to this element and make sure you’re a good fit. Claudia Join me on Facebook at Dr. Claudia McCulloch. At, click on the "Ask Me" button and send me a question. Sign up for the Sunday newsletter. Don't miss a thing! |
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June 2021