1. Make a plan to accomplish one healthy and helpful thing. You decide.
2. Finish what you start, so be careful about what you start. There's a small part of your brain that will "nag" you about the things you haven't finished. It's called the Zeignarnik Effect. Turn down the noise in your brain. Finish what you start.
3. Look at your group of "friends". Leave the flotsam behind. (Flostam: "People or things that have been rejected or are regarded as worthless.") They drain you. You can't help them. If you could, they wouldn't still be losers.
4. Improve your vocabulary. Others judge your intelligence by your language skills.
5. Be kinder.
6. Look at yourself. Do you like what you see? No? Then change. Small steps, tiny goals, practice, practice, practice.
7. Have toxic family members? Gone.
8. Be ethical. Follow the rules even when no one is watching. Don't cheat the IRS or your spouse/partners.
9. Pay attention to your elders. They know stuff that can keep you out of the gutter.
10. Get help when you need it. Call a hotline and get confidential advice. See a therapist for a few sessions. Go talk to a minister at a church or a rabbi, whatever. All of these folks will talk to you...you don't have to be their religion. Read a self-help book that's easy to follow and gives up a workable plan. Don't burden your friends.
11. Give of yourself. Even just a little bit. Donate to a local organization where they actually impact people's lives for the better.
12. Find something healthy to believe in. Doesn't have to be G-d. He doesn't care if you believe in Him as long as you're leading a life of self-construction.
I'll see you this time next year. Let me know how it went.
Don't disappoint yourself. You'll be amazed at how much more satisfied you will be. No, I didn't say "happy". And nothing breeds success like success.
Do what my Dad said..."Don't just stand there, do something".