Are they ready? Are you ready?
Here's my checklist for when I talk to my young adult clients who are headed to college.
It's the reality of "what" goes on. You'll need to have this "chat" more than once.
In the blur of their rapidly-changing lives, decide which ones are your priorities, based on your kid's strengths and weaknesses and have both formal and informal conversations.
Formal is defined as sitting down, putting on your serious "parent face". No more than 10 minutes. Informal is defined as "in the car on the way to somewhere fun".
Research tells us that "brief, but frequent" practice periods result in the mastery of skills.
They've got enough on their minds, so don't push them over the edge. You can make a game out of it. Give them the article. Leave a multiple-choice test with 5 questions on their bed. If they turn it into you and all of the answers are correct, there's a prize.
Avoid giving them stupid stuff as the's insulting. Give them something of worth TO THEM...not to you! Maybe it's a voucher toward something bigger that they want. Decide with them.
Humor goes a very, very, very long way. And, it's also known that when appropriate humor is interjected into the teaching/learning dynamic, the student will retain the information.
I told my husband about this and he read the article. He fell out laughing. He said, "I can see some goofy Dad throwing on a wild wig, putting on some make-up, wearing a ratty old t-shirt with one sleeve over the shoulder and sitting down with his son and pretending to be one of these women who come on super strong and attach themselves right away. They're scary as all get out. I'm glad you included them in the article. That kid will NEVER forget that conversation".
Just do the best you can. We're here for you!
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