Teaching your soon-to-be college student about the dangers of binge drinking works. It reduces their drinking, but only for a while. A year after your “talk”, they’re back at it.
So, it’s clear the lesson needs to be re-visited which is nothing new if you’re a parent.
Here are the “fast and furious” points you need to hit:
1. Tell them. 5 or more drinks for men or 4 or more for women in a 2-hour period is binge drinking.
2. Tell them. Long-term organ damage, especially the liver, is typical.
3. Tell them. There's serious damage to their gut bacteria and organs.
4. Tell your daughter it’s especially dangerous for her.
5. Tell them there’s an increase in car accidents and injuries.
A single episode of binge drinking can cause more harm to their health than previously thought.
Avoid preaching. Give them the facts and tell them you have confidence they’ll make healthy choices.
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