Why do strokes and heart attacks happen most frequently at six thirty in the morning?
Researchers have known for years that this was the case, but they had no idea what factors were triggering these devastating events.
As it turns out, the timing of heart attacks and strokes is related to our body’s natural clock, our circadian rhythm.
At 6:30 a.m., the protein in blood that slows the breakdown of clots is at its highest levels allowing clots to form.
Researchers determined that regardless of the activities that people were doing at 6:30 in the morning, the protein, called PAI-one, still peaked.
Learn the signs of heart attack and stroke. They can be remembered by the word FAST. F=Face drooping. A=Arm weakness. S=Speech difficulty. T=time to call 9-1-1.
If your loved one shows these signs of medical distress at that time of day, don’t hesitate. Get help immediately because early intervention leads to the best outcome. You can’t live with the consequences.
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