In 2003, a study conducted around the world, showed that Mothers are put to the test to answer 12.5 hours of questions which works out to about 1 question every 2 minutes and 36 seconds. I believe it.
As it turns out, 4-year old girls are the most curious. They ask nearly 400 questions a day. That makes it 1 every minute!
A whopping 82% of kids go to Momma first, and then to Dad, to answer their questions! No wonder we're tired!!
If you have a boy, life is a bit easier. The average 9 year old boy asks about 144 questions each day. That's about 1 every 5 1/2 minutes!
Curiosity is hardwired and enhances humanity’s chances of survival.
Curiosity has given rise to technology, medicines, buildings, machines and knowledge. It is a necessary ingredient for success along with focus and perseverance among other traits.
Curiosity is an especially important trait among babies because it reflects the strength of their sensory systems and intelligence.
Curious babies grow into strong students as teenagers.
Parents, encourage your children’s questions by offering reasonable answers. Even babies know when they’re dealing with a dull intellect.
Cultivate your child’s needs to know by accepting their questions even if you don’t have an answer. A response of “Because that’s the way it is…” dries up curious mind.
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