If you have ADHD and aren’t medically treated for it, you’re more likely to have a major accident than those drivers with ADHD who are taking their medications.
If Sam forgets to take his meds, his level of alertness is compromised. He’s more likely to run a stop sign or red light, speed, change lanes without signaling or engage in other reckless or distracted driving all leading to a 50% percent higher rate of serious accidents than other drivers.
Researchers found that male ADHD sufferers who filled their prescriptions were 38% less likely to have an accident. Females 42% less likely.
A whopping 2.3 million people with ADHD were studied to learn these results.
Simply filling the prescription doesn’t guarantee that Sam actually took it. Skipping a day could result in tragedy. Encourage him to take his meds daily if he’ll be driving. He just can’t live with the consequences and neither can you.
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