You’ve heard people say that they’re addicted to sugar. That’s a real possibility, especially with children.
Kids who are obese or even moderately overweight may have heightened activity in the parts of the brain that are involved in emotion, awareness, taste, motivation and reward. Basically, sugar is a “food reward” for them.
This means that some kids have brain wiring that makes them crave sugar throughout their lives which can lead to obesity. When your child or teen seems to be a sugar junkie, they might have a “sugar brain”.
Help them to make healthy choices at least when they’re home. Reduce the amount of sweets in the house and make it easier for them to snack on protein-rich foods.
There will be a period of time when they crave fats and sugars. It’s typical of teen development.
After they’re teens and become mobile, you have no control over anything they eat or drink. At least you can give them a good start.
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