The dialogue is over and the hurt feelings and broken relationship is all that remains. Uh oh.
Frankly, peoples' behavior during this election reminded me more of "cult" dynamics than political party membership or ideology. Peoples' beliefs had become completed entrenched. They were their political ideals. No daylight between them.
The brain has what the researchers called a "default mode" network that is engaged when a person is self-reflective while "thinking about their own past and future, and personal identity". Basically, it is involved with a person's inner world. The "executive attention network", in contrast, is recruited when dealing with the external world. Because the "default mode" lights up during political conversations, it reveals that political ideology is deeply ingrained.
The author of the study indicated, "To consider an alternative view, you would have to consider an alternative version of yourself". That's a tough one, especially considering that your personality is "set" by about age 6 years. No wonder people feel threatened when politically conflicting statements are thrown around. You're attacking me!!!
Here's my "take". Unlike when I was growing up, the media cannot be trusted. We trusted Walter and Chet and David. Can't trust any of the "journalists" now. None of them. Because we are being robbed of fully participating in our country's business by operatives on both sides, don't you dare jeopardize your relationships with those you love by believing any of it...any of it.
And, if you consider that the study was conducted using 40 liberal volunteers and not a random, stratified sample ("gold standard" in statistical sampling), the results might be questionable, but they actually fit other research.
The American Psychological Association, in one of their journals I read last summer, posited that liberals process information using the emotional circuits of their brains, the limbic system, while conservatives relied on the reasoning part of their brain, the cerebral cortex. Regardless, we need both kinds of minds to run a healthy country.
If all of the research is true, we're in trouble. We haven't remained a nation, but a cluster of cults blindly subscribing to what we believe and closing ourselves off to any other point of view. No one person can unite us. We have to make that decision for ourselves. Every single one of us has to do better every day.
TTFN, Claudia