1. No full-strength juice for any child younger than 1 year. None.
2. A maximum of 4 ounces (one-half cup) each day for kids from 1 to 3 years.
3. Kids ages 3-6 years should have no more than 6 ounces (3/4 cup) every day.
4. For children 7 years and older, a daily maximum of 8 ounces (one cup) daily.
The study did not address diluted juice. The relationship between childhood obesity and fruit juice is uncertain. While fruit juice is not wholly responsible for children's obesity, it is far too easy to give it to children frequently throughout the day and the calories add up.
Fruit juice may be appropriate for those children who are struggling to gain weight or those who are constipated.
Consult your physician about your child's specific needs.
The more you know....TTFN, Claudia
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