If your "wheels" are in the shop, what can you do? You can get a loaner, rent a car, take a taxi, bus, hitch a ride with a friend, get on the subway, trolley, the El, OR you can UBER!
Two guys, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp looked around, noodled it a bit and said, "Let's do it differently! There's got to be more options than this. We can make these really easy for our customers and give the drivers a chance to make money when it is convenient for them. They don't have to sacrifice family time, miss classes or put up with bosses. It'll be great." And, it is!

Forgot to defrost the chicken? Food budget running low? Need to get dinner on the table ASAP because we're late for practice? Taking a night off from the traditional dinner fare? Hey, it's breakfast for dinner! I learned this "trick" from my Mom (capital letter intended) who was the ring master of our family circus. All five of us kids were always, always going in different directions. After band practice, she'd either make me a burger (oh my stars...at 10:00 p.m.!) or breakfast for dinner. She made the whole "breakfast for dinner" event rather scandalous because it just "not what people do!" It was a delish meal and probably even more so because it was, after all, scandalous.
Fluffy pancakes with maybe an egg to make a pancake "sandwich", hash browns and juice. Mom insisted on real maple syrup and not the brownish high fructose corn syrup. And, she warmed it. Divine. Love on a plate.
In my own family, we carried on the daring tradition. When our son was younger, we would have breakfast for dinner on those wild and crazy, falling-down-tired nights and we laughed about keeping it a secret!
Think about the needs. Determine the resources, whatever "label" they have, and determine if they meet the needs. Voila! That leftover meatloaf, gravy and mashed potatoes give them the nutrition they need for the vigorous morning ahead. Meatloaf for breakfast? Isn't that for dinner? Yeah, but... Your kid loves your meatloaf and he'll eat it without fighting over the sugary, worthless cereal.
Do they turn their noses up at salad? Think differently. Minimize the amount of the horrifying, terrible green stuff (Lettuce? How dare you?) and add lots of fruit and steak or shrimp or even faux crab (make sure it's Alaskan pollack and not some "pressed fish") and lure them into a nutritious dish with a variety of tastes and textures.
Do they LOVE burritos and tacos? Great breakfast food. The refried beans, cheese, maybe a little spiced beef and perhaps a shred or two of lettuce (avoid the onions in the morning unless they have Iron Man guts) make for some great brain food. You know how college kids can eat cold pizza for breakfast? There ya' go! Kids, especially teens, love the vibrant flavors. At times, kids report that breakfast is bland, so use your imagination and spice things up.
The choline in egg yolks is taken up into the brain to make cholinesterase which improves thinking. Perfect for the start of the school day. But, scrambled eggs in the morning can be "yucky" in terms of texture. The taste can be bland and unappealing. Hard-boiled eggs are a different story. Slicing them up into a sandwich with spicy mustard is tasty. Toast the bread and it "feels" like breakfast. What about egg salad with a smidgen of horseradish? Experiment on the weekends and asked them about the flavors they enjoy. Don't poo-poo their ideas. As long as their suggestions meet their nutritional needs, end of story. If they want a burger for breakfast, it's on.
The bottom line is to avoid making assumptions. Determine the needs, match them with the resources and get creative. You won't be building a multi-national business everyday, but you'll be building something far more important--your kids' brains, their futures and your relationships with them. You'll model for them what my mother modeled for me. Kids come first, no matter what tradition dictates.
Do your best. That's all that matters. Your kids will love your positive attitude and genuine effort.