"Man, I’d kill to have his truck!"
Yes, we covet. We want what “that” person has. You’re not lacking moral character, it’s your brain!
The mirror neuron system is responsible. It’s the part of the brain that turns on when either performing or watching someone perform an act.
Envy is an infectious disease and explains much of human behavior. Just look at the Black Friday sales!
Copying other people is a good way to learn about the environment and also protects our survival.
Two systems are involved in coveting. The mirror neuron system and the system that helps us decide the value of an object. Put them together and ta da! You want what other people want and have.
It’s not about competition, it’s about survival.
Again, advertising agencies use this trait to sell their trinkets. Help your kids to use the rational part of their brains to make smart financial decisions!
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