We all do it and when we’re caught, we make references to being crazy, crazy like a fox when we talk out loud to ourselves. It’s actually a sign of strong intelligence.
A recent study revealed that we perform at a higher level when we talk out loud while working through it.
Champion athletes such as Serena Williams do it to improve their performance.
When you talk out loud, your brain absorbs more material than if you kept quiet.
The study provided only observation, no interpretation, but those of us who perform assessments know that this behavior is evidence of engaging executive functioning skills which take place in the brain behind the forehead.
One of these skills is self-monitoring where you track your thinking while you move through the problem-solving process.
It helps you to stay focused and “check in” with the accuracy of your strategy. When you talk out loud, you’re vocalizing the thought process.
It’s the smart thing to do.
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