Think that teenage girls who are dieting just want to get healthy?
That may be their intention, but you might want to consider that she’s started smoking or drinking alcohol to boost that weight loss.
Adolescent girls who are dieting are nearly twice as likely to engage in smoking and binge drinking than other girls. Considering that even one episode of binge drinking can have lifelong consequences, pay attention.
Yes, she skips meals. It’s time to find out what other steps she’s taking to kill her appetite.
And, by the way, why is she dieting? Does she really need to lose 5 pounds or does she have a poor body image and think she’s fat?
Is she typical of teenage girls? Yes, 70% of girls have dieted at some point over a period of three years.
During puberty, they gain weight, but they also grow taller. They’re impatient and want to lose weight now.
What are they willing to do to be thin?
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