If you’re rewarded for behavior, your ability to influence others is even more powerful. Think about this when moving your kids toward a behavior.
If you present yourself as “put together”, you’re better able to get your kids to go along with your ideas.
If they see themselves as being similar to you, bingo, they’re more on board. If you and your child aren’t a “good fit”, you’re less likely to influence them.
Samantha is high strung and emotional and you aren’t, so she thinks you don’t understand her and your influence is weaker.
If your kids watch you benefit from telling a white lie, they’re going to imitate you no matter how many times you tell them not to.
It’s that old “do as I say, not as I do” stuff where you demand that your children behave at a higher level than you do! If you smoke and booze it up, they’ll follow along!
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