When I was a working mother, my spare time was between 2 and 4 a.m. I’d see the mother in the market doing four things at once. If I could, I’d tell her that she’s got to make changes. I
I’m not gonna tell her what doctors told me…rest, get some exercise. We’d both laugh at such ridiculousness.
- I’d tell her to learn to say no to anything optional.
- Save your strength.
- Make small changes.
- Back down a little at a time.
- Prioritize.
- Decide how YOU want to spend every day.
Read Crazy Busy by Ed Hallowell. It’s brief and powerful.
- Change your breathing.
- Stop hyperventilating through life.
- You’re exhausting yourself and getting sick.
When a cashier gives me a “yoo-hoo” and tells me “This line is available, I say, ‘No, let me just stand here, I need the rest!’”
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