About 6% of America’s 12th graders have used ecstasy.
Since using the drug causes euphoria, boundless energy and enhanced sensory experiences, it’s both appealing and destructive. It damages the serotonin-producing cells.
Serotonin is responsible for regulating mood and affects appetite and digestion, sleep, memory and sexual desire and performance.
Serotonin is made in the brain and the gut. The vast majority of serotonin, 80-90% that’s used by the body, is made in the gut and the serotonin used by the brain is made there by the serotonin raphe.
It isn’t clear if the damage caused by ecstasy is reversible, but it’s quite the dangerous roulette. Teenagers don’t weigh consequences and feel they’re indestructible. Once they mature and see the damage they’ve caused, it might be too late.
Let them know the risks.
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