If Katie was born on July 10, take the next photo on August 10th and so on. Prop up a sign next to her that says, “I’m 5 months old today!” or something adorable like that for each month.
Over the course of the year, it’s a great way to document Katie’s competence with sitting, crawling, standing, walking and talking. You can also see her personality taking shape. It’s a great sequence of photos to have at her first birthday party.
You’re sure to hear lots of stories about parenting adventures. Listen carefully! These are priceless “coming attractions” and the wisdom of other parents can keep you from making painful mistakes.
It’ll be tough to enjoy the birthday party and remember all of the great things that other parents tell you. Have index cards for guests to write a couple of things they wish they had known then. It’s a sweet way of bringing the past into the present.
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