Today’s fathers are more engaged than ever with their kids.
Dads are spending more time with them, providing more direct care to them and are showing up for their activities more, a lot more. Why?
Society has finally given them permission to balance work and family and to claim a more active role.
Perhaps there’s a bit of worry among Dads that their boys are getting a bad break. More Dads are connecting with their kids throughout the week, showing them greater levels of affection and actively teaching them about being emotionally aware.
Fathers are seeing themselves as more than just breadwinners, but as true mentors.
Dads are reaping the rewards, too, as their older children are coming back to them for emotional support and guidance.
A two-way street that benefits generations.
Being masculine doesn’t necessarily mean toxic. The positive benefits are loyalty and leadership. Dads are making sure this happens for their children.
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