Decades ago, most cars had basic parts. Now, we have lot of computers running cars and it makes it tough for the “do-it-yourself” mechanic. But, the basics are still there.
Oil and filters, brake pads, drums and rotors, transmission fluid, power steering fluid and lots more still need regular attention.
I recommend that your teenagers, girls and boys, learn basic car maintenance and emergency procedures. Once they get on the road, it’s up to them because you won’t be there.
Get a small group of teens together for a couple of lessons and hire a mechanic to give instructions. Be prepared to learn alongside your teen so that you can remind them of the concepts.
Make sure they have the necessary supplies in their car in case they get into trouble. Help them learn how to keep a maintenance schedule and make them responsible for keeping it.
Teach them the procedures for getting help while keeping themselves safe.
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