Are you older, maybe in your 80's and think, “It’s OK, I can drink as much as I want. What’ve I got to lose?”
Well, my friend, even if you drink moderately, I’ll tell you what you can lose. Your memory.
If you abstain altogether or drink lightly, you protect your memory ability and the information already stored in your memory.
If you’re a moderate-to-heavy drinker, you will have a sudden and rapid decline of both thinking and memory at some point.
Brain scans in moderate-to-heavy drinkers reveal shrinkage in the memory-areas of the brain and this kind of change can happen just before the onset of dementia.
One drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men is the recommended amount. If you’ve been drinking moderately or heavily, start pulling back. Ask yourself, “Can I live with the consequences?” The answer is “No”.
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