Vocabulary development in toddlers is critical. They can learn new words and concepts from picture books. Photos are the best depiction of an object. Cartoons will hold Sam’s attention, but they aren’t the most accurate.
Look for books with a few colorful pictures on each page.
Try these ideas:
- Let Sam pick his own book from a group of 3 board books. Board books have thick pages; let him turn them.
- Pop-up books provide interest and fun! Have Sam point to items you name and ask him “What’s this?” or “What is he doing?” to encourage language growth.
- Point to your own mouth when you say a word.
- Sit across from Sam to watch how he makes the sounds.
- Repeat words so he can imitate you correctly.
- Practice the sounds he has trouble with in order to develop coordination of his tongue, lips and cheeks.
If Sam consistently struggles with making the sounds correctly, consult with a pediatric speech and language therapist. Why? If Sam keeps mispronouncing sounds, his reading and later, writing, will be sabotaged. He won't outgrow it. Correct the sounds now. It makes a huge difference.
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