You stepped over the Lego tower and heard a pop-crack. Now, you’re on a short course of opioid medication and unknowingly, you’re set up for addiction.
A study of emergency room patients found that about 7% went home with an opioid prescription even for a sprained ankle. The amount of pills ranged from 5 to 60. The more pills that were prescribed, the greater the chance that the prescription would be refilled.
Those who got 30 pills or more were twice as likely to refill than those who got 15 or less.
Research proves that it’s very hard for some people to stop taking the pills even after brief use.
New Jersey recently passed a law limiting first-time prescriptions to a 5-day supply. It’s an attempt to reduce exposure to addiction.
You do your part. Now that you know, reject that opioid prescription and use an over the counter product for discomfort. Either deal with a bit of pain or face long-term drug abuse.
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