Is your child overweight? Think it’s not a problem?
It might not be right now, but a high body mass index during childhood, meaning birth through 11 years of age, puts your child at an increased risk for high blood pressure as well as two predictors of heart disease.
These two predictors include a larger left ventricle and greater volume of blood.
When will these show up?
They’ll show up when the party is just getting started, from 20 to 40 years of age.
They’re in college, getting married, starting families and building their careers and futures. Next thing you know, they’re seeing a cardiologist.
And why? Because you didn’t address their weight gain.
And, if you smoked around them or while you were pregnant, you’ve set them up for aFib which causes strokes and heart attacks.
Do something while you’re still in charge of their diet and activities. You can’t live with the consequences.
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