That’s true in adulthood where we all seem to specialize in something. Police officers do that one job; they’re specialists in being cops. They’re not cops on Monday and pilots on Tuesday.
Unfortunately for kids, from kindergarten through high school, they’re generalists. They have to be proficient in many areas including science, history, English, physics, literature, chemistry and all levels of math. They have 6 classes a day and tons of homework at night! Relief is on the way.
When they get to college, they’ll have fewer classes that are spread out over the week. A syllabus on their first day outlines the exact requirements for each class. It’s no wonder kids with learning issues perform more capably in college. The work load is reduced as they begin to specialize. Many kids who struggle in school think college will be impossible. Tell them it just might be easier!
Once they get in the workforce, they'll be doing a job they enjoy or is at least the first step toward the "dream" job. The dream keeps us going.
If you were ever a parent of a child who came through my practice, do you remember how hard we laughed when I said that the reasons for me not being a runway model were clear, but that I'd like to see them come in here and do this job everyday? There ya' go. Life is a team sport and I AM playing my position.
Good luck out there, Claudia
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