In 2017, an 11-month old child died from a heart condition related to THC poisoning. Basically, he died from marijuana. Initially, the doctors were unsure if there was a direct link.
Since that time, however, more children have experienced significant medical conditions due to consuming edibles, usually cookies, or other marijuana-related food products.
Children are able to open the packages. Most of the severe cases are in kids who are 3 and younger.
These kids put everything in their mouths because it’s their primary way of exploring their world. They come into the ER with various states of consciousness and, at times, coma.
They appear to be intoxicated. Their pupils are dilated, they are floppy and unresponsive.
Because their symptoms could reflect a number of conditions, delays in diagnosing a child can lead to greater complications. Keep THC products locked up.
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