So, your little one is off to college?
Don’t expect a stellar grade point average when the first reports come out. They may not be doing face plants on the front lawn of the frat house.
The reason might be as simple as not going to bed and rising at a consistent time every day.
Living with a bunch of rowdy teenagers out from under the keen eye of parents for the first time isn’t exactly conducive to sound, restorative sleep.
Sleeping in a different environment, eating different food and laboring under unique social stressors push their coping skills to the limit.
As it turns out, consistency in both going to bed and rising around the same time is just as important as the number of hours you sleep. Sleeping at irregular times changes the body’s clock which impacts melatonin, a sleep regulating hormone, which disrupts concentration and cognitive skills.
Don’t make assumptions when 4.6 Tom brings home a 2.1 GPA.
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