Ah yes, the terrible twos. Characterized by complete mastery of the word “no” and temper tantrums.
You actually begin to look forward to their 3rd birthday because just maybe some of this behavior will slow down. Well, you’re right, it’s supposed to get easier.
If the tantrums continue, it’s not typical and it’s sure not healthy.
Less than 10% of preschoolers have daily tantrums regardless of their gender, race or family income.
Frequent, intense tantrums are linked to emerging, serious neurological and psychological issues such as autism, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, sensory processing disorders and bipolar disorder.
They may also signal that your child is struggling with regulating their emotional or arousal states. They’re having trouble finding a “middle ground” emotionally. They’re easy to trigger and tough to calm down.
Find out what’s going on and take steps to help your child learn to cope. It sure isn’t going to get any better if you don’t.
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