In both sexes, lust is fueled by testosterone, companion love is fueled by oxytocin and romantic passion needs dopamine to drive it. That dopamine system is engaged by other obsessive desires like drug addiction. Ah ha!
We might as well face it, we’re addicted to love.
One of the reasons we stay with wacky partners is that we aren’t rational about love. Because we want someone who is emotionally committed to us because of who we are, we stay.
So, in order to protect our interests, we become jealous, irrationally jealous, to the point of making promises and threats and then backing them up with signs of commitment such as stalking.
Because emotions can escalate to violence committed in the name of love, the courts now take serious action in these circumstances.
Five women are murdered everyday by boyfriends and husbands. Don’t wait; protect yourself when love turns to hate.
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