1. Because your body temperature has to drop half a degree in order to trigger the brain’s sleep mechanism, wearing jammies slows down that process.
2. The underarm and groin areas benefit from getting some air at night to prevent bacteria growth.
3. Your body has to work harder to keep you warm at night, so you burn calories and can lose weight while you sleep!
4. You’ll be more comfortable without itchy tags, strangling collars or bottoms riding up.
5. There’s a benefit of increased intimacy with your partner as well as being able to hop out of bed and into the shower.
6. Those who sleep au naturale have a morning glow because, overall, they’ve slept more soundly. They shed more dead skin and hair during the night, replenish natural oil, and improve cleanliness.
Having young kids may make this impossible now, but consider it for later when they’re grown and out of the house. See what you have to look forward to when the last one leaves the roost?
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