Mother knew that Aaron wore her out. He was 4 and asking about 500 questions a day, 75 more than the average 4 year old. And they weren’t just any questions. “Mommy, why is it cold on the mountain top when it’s closer to the sun?”
Exactly how do you raise a gifted child? The answer: Creatively.
You don’t have to know everything; you just have to know where to find answers. The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth provides a wide array of activities for children as young as pre-kindergarten. Other great resources are out there!
Since boredom is a huge issue, public schools may not be a good fit. Behavioral problems may erupt because many schools do not have gifted programming. Offer to supplement Aaron’s classroom with materials and activities to spark his interests.
I've never ever understood why we don't pay as much attention to our gifted kids as we do to our kids who are struggling. Federal law mandates that children with exceptional needs not be discriminated against and that they have full access to education. Gifted kids and their needs are not legally protected, so, there we are. As a result, they do not have access to the educational opportunity they need to manifest their gifts. It's up to parents to get it done.
Just thought you'd like a different perspective. Claudia
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