Oh, I lived for bedtime story time with our son.
As a former teacher, I understood the magic of reading, so I began reading those large, colorfully-illustrated books to him the first night after we came home. He was oblivious. I didn’t care. It was for me at that point.
Now, research proves that the extra interaction kids have while reading with parents gives their brains a boost.
When they actively participated by turning the pages or pointing to the pictures or words, young children showed much greater brain activity than those who didn’t.
This activity is on the right side of the cerebellum which is the brain part that controls memory, language-based learning, planning and sequencing.
It’s the interaction between parent and child that does it.
Children follow our lead. If we make reading fun for them, their brains benefit.
Along with the actual reading, snuggle time enhances bonding and makes for wonderful memories.
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