- Little kids need to know that it’s OK to break things in a store and to scream if someone tries to take them.
- It’s OK to lie to strangers when they ask if your mommy and daddy are home and they’re not.
For middle and older teens, refusal skills are critical when they’re asked to do things that they don’t want to do, but want to protect their reputation. All bets are off when safety is at risk.
Girls can say it’s their "time of the month" when boyfriends try to convince them to be intimate.
When asked to drink or use drugs, kids can hide behind some basic excuses such as, “I’m taking stuff for allergies/skin condition/heart problem, whatever and if I drink or smoke weed, you’ll have to call 911”. Well, nobody wants that.
Allow yourself as the strict parent to be the excuse. “Dude, you know my parents are crazy. If I go, they’ll come get me.”
Help your kid to develop “on the spot” refusal skills for easy escapes.
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