All of this noise is keeping us from developing new brain cells and you're gonna age faster.
You're buying all kinds of expensive creams to fight back the wrinkles. All of that sun exposure damaged the skin way down deep and it took decades to see the results. Ugh...again.
The same thing happens in your brain and in your other organs for that matter. Look how long it takes for liver damage to show up from all that drinking booze!
The only, absolutely only area of the brain that creates new neurons is the hippocampus. This word is actually Latin for "seahorse" because the hippocampus is made up of two structures shaped like seahorses toward the middle of your brain. the hippocampus is associated with memory, emotion and learning. It is housed deep in the brain, maybe to protect it?
When your brain rests, it integrates internal and external information in order to make sense of it...a kind of a "conscious workspace". [I can't help myself. What does your "desk" look like?]
When you aren't focused on anything such as that "gotta do" list, there's a quiet time that allows your consciousness to process things. You give your brain freedom and "space" it needs to think about the world and imaginative ways to solve problems.
My guess is that we've all had that experience of not being "able to think straight" because of the "noise" around us and in our brains.
Even when you're asleep, your body reacts to sound. If you live in a noisy area such as next to a highway, flight path or railroad track, your children will have slower development of cognitive and language skills. Their brains simply cannot pay attention to everything and the more resources their brains devote to noise, the less it has to devote to developing thinking and language skills. Devastating.
Noise pollution is a huge issue. No wonder the "open plan" office space results in reduced productivity and increased irritability. All those people talking and moving around, I just can't think straight!
Reduced motivation and increased errors are yet more undesired results of noise.
I must add here that listening to music is a complex phenomenon and involves emotional, neurological, cardiovascular, psychological and physiological changes especially in breathing and blood pressure. It can reduce stress, improve athletic performance and motor functioning in stroke or Parkinson's patients and even milk production in cows.
It's your choice. Listen to music or not. I say do a bit of an experiment and see which choice leaves you most refreshed and motivated.
The bottom line is, you can recover. Your organs regenerate themselves.
- The outer layer of your skin replaces itself every 35 days.
- You replace your liver every 6 weeks
- Your stomach lining replaces itself every 4 days.
- The stomach cells that come into contact with digesting food are replaced every 5 minutes.
- Our entire skeleton is regenerated every 3 months.
- Your entire brain replaces itself every two months.
- The entire human body replaces itself every 5-7 years...right down to the very last atom of you!
- Punctuate the work day with 5 minutes of quiet time. No listening to music or going on Facebook or Twitter
- Take a walk. If you need to, wear headphone to cancel out all noise.
- Meditate.
I know you. You're me. Every time I heard this kind of recommendation, I'd scoff. Actually, I'd get angry. Here's my thinking..."Good grief. If I had time for this, I'd take a nap". So, I learned to get around myself and dove into a few ideas like this.
When I was a working mother with kids at home, I would escape to the bathroom, put up my sign (actually, they were death threats if anyone bothered me) and I'd put the toilet seat down and put my face in my hands and turn on the shower ever so slightly and listened to the "rain". It was the best I could do for myself and it helped. And yes, sometimes I was so spent, I would have cried if I had the energy.
Think about what it might mean to implement a 2-minute quiet policy from time-to-time in your home!
I found him to be correct. True inspiration comes in the "spaces" of life. I get my best ideas in the shower. I've actually gotten out of the shower to write things down...hence the need for the paper and pencil in the sink.
I believe Herman Melville..."All profound things and emotions of things are preceded and attended by silence".
Just do the best you can with where you are in life. You can only "do" so much. I am encouraging you to think about those 2 minutes where silence can help you restore. Give it a go...TTFN, Claudia
Follow me on Facebook at Dr. Claudia McCulloch