When you get those slumps in the middle of the day and you reach for sugar to get some energy to power on, you’re fooling yourself. It’s actually your level of willpower that allows you to push on and not the sugar.
Those who feel that their performances come from willpower are unaffected by drinking those sugary beverages that we reach for at three o’clock in the afternoon. They don’t get that “rush” from downing a soda.
We used to think that mental activity drains your body, but that’s not the case.
So, when you feel a need for a “little something” as a pick me up, it’s not because your brain is working hard, it’s because your willpower is sliding and you’re getting bored or stressed.
Feed your willpower with protein and physical activity. The change up in activity level will increase your focus.
Before starting homework, let the kids play and have a healthy snack.
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