If you work, the kids have to have supervision or be engaged in something. So, what are you going to do this year?
You can't travel the whole summer long. After all, summer break is about 8 weeks long.
Summer break is a "hold over" from when our culture was primarily agricultural. Farmers' families had to pitch in to help. Many kids were absent from school, so the "break" was formalized. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Use the search bar to locate summer programs. There's also an option to key in your location so the search can be more specific.
If you're not in a rural area, your community likely has pediatric (child) occupational therapy clinics/centers where treatment for sensory and motor disorders are diagnosed and treated. Contact them to see if they are having opportunities for the summer.
These programs are often a two-fer as community service hours are given for high schoolers who need community service to enhance their college applications.
If you're looking for a summer program for your gifted/talented child, search for your state's gifted child program. I've found that the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth has fantastic programs for this amazing population of kids. They have online programs and "live" summer events.
Maybe they go to a local parks and rec program or to activities sponsored by your church.
Make no mistake about it, unless there's a set of vivacious grandparents around, putting together a schedule for your kids to have healthy supervision and fun activities is enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Except for the homework part, summer is a lot tougher on parents than the school year.
Take heart! They do grow up!
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