In the chaos of work, family, social relationships and the daily tasks that have a “do me first” tag, it’s critical to learn how to control the controllable. You can’t do it all, so why torture yourself?
We’ll all die with a “to do” list according to Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Taking this “gotta get it all done all the time” style creates unhealthy tension in the family. It creates a role model for your kids that’s impossible for them to achieve.
If you go to bed every night and think about the things you didn’t get done, it’s time to re-evaluate how you set yourself up for failure.
- Make a list of the unimportant stuff you spend energy on and practice ignoring it.
- Yes, it will take practice.
- Focus on the really important stuff.
- Keep your home clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.
- Seriously, good enough is.
On the last day of your life, what will you regret, not washing the floor or not going to the park?
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