Good Sunday to you! Here are the references I discussed in today's show.
Do cell phones cause addiction? Here's the article I wrote about the unintended consequences of teen's cell phone use and digital media.
A question was submitted that addressed a parent's concern about her daughter's quiet presentation, shyness and unwillingness to stand up for herself. I suspect that she may be an introvert. Here's a book that is a remarkable presentation of the power of being an introvert. It's called Quiet, by Susan Cain. The subtitle says a lot..."The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking".
A Mom wrote in and asked her 14 year old son who "blows her off" when she starts talking. Mom is likely over-talking. We mothers have been trained to talk and talk and talk and talk to our kids since the months before they were born. We have the brains for it, so we babble and babble and babble on. Somehow, we just don't notice when they stop being kids and then, we drive them crazy. STOP TALKING! Sit your kid down, tell him/her that you'll be shifting gears in terms of how you communicate because they getting to be adults and use this plan. The goal is to get them to start observing their behavior and move toward a more mature level of functioning.
During the show, I referenced the San Francisco Poop Map. Here it is.
Self-advocacy skills are critical to daily functioning, especially if you're a kid in school who has special needs. There are several resources you may want to check out:
Oklahoma Parents Center
Frankly, there are so many resources, you're likely to find what you need by doing a basic online search.
A Mom of a 9-month old wanted to lay the foundation for teaching her baby to read. You can find that information on the Parenting Pointers (#50 and #115). Go to and click on the Parenting Pointers on the upper right hand side.
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