Great shows this week. Oh, the things that do go on!
Here are your resources, as promised..
1. Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Join and have access to your local chapter where you can attend educational presentations and learn from the experts in your area.
2. ADDitude magazine and online resources. Amazing.
3. ADHD-Oh, there's so much more to it than you ever thought.
Online support communities for siblings of children with cancer.
Support and information
How to help healthy children cope
Talking with children about cancer
Talking with teens about cancer
Sperling's Best Places to Live Cost of Living Comparison site for the caller who wants to move, but it's a big project and how do we even start! I gave her some options. Now, she and her husband have to do some searching!
This Halloween, we have a new worry...THC-laced candies. Learn more here.
The opioid epidemic continues to rage. Dr. Drew Pinsky, noted addictions expert, is fed up and created a documentary of his own to explain why prescribing physicians are to blame for fueling this crisis and the lesser role that pharmaceutical companies play. So worth the watch.
Just do the best you can.
Join me on Facebook at Dr. Claudia McCulloch.
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