Anyway, I found a fun resource for Thanksgiving games. If you can keep your guests from tearing each other apart with a few easy games, why not?
Here's the link to the National Association of College Admissions Counselors to find a professional college counselor near you.
For another parent whose college son contracted gonorrhea and called home to talk to Dad about it, here's the link to What I Tell Kids Headed to College.
Also, if your college student did not get the appropriate meningitis vaccines, read this to learn which ones they need and the consequences of not getting them.
I referred Dad to the following:
American Speech-Hearing-Language Association
Association of Occupational Therapists of America
His little boy should be tested and treated as soon as possible in order to get the best results.
Money, Money, Money...Do I Give My Child an Allowance?
How to Run the Family Business
They may not be exactly what you're looking for, but they just might be a stepping stone to the best time of your life!
Oh, and last week, I talked about California's Prop 47 and that it is a license to steal. So many unintended consequences! You won't believe what's going on. Don't fall for this if this kind of legislation is up for a vote in your state. Here's the article.
See you next week on the radio!
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