There was some fun stuff, too, considering that Valentine's Day was still swirling around.
The camper is a pricey little thing and goes for $400! Yep, it includes a kitchen, grill and a campfire. Everything Barbie needs for that romantic beach dinner!
Here's the link to the article in case you need more!
I would have loved to have known her!
I encouraged her to get an educational consultant on board to help teach them about the most appropriate placement for her. Here's the link to the Independent Educational Consultants Association. In my experience in private practice, a consultant has made all of the difference.
Listen to the podcast of the 2nd hour of the show to hear the issues. It's important to consider birth control for severely impacted girls with bipolar disorder.
Your child is at risk for learning disabilities and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and other challenges if:
- Your child had a difficulty delivery (not breathing at birth, "crash" C-section, cord around neck)
- Was conceived through IVF
- Had more than 5 ear infections before the age of 2
- Slow to talk
- Is immature compared to the other kids
- Family history of learning and behavioral problems
- Premature with low, very low or extremely low birth weight.
If retention (holding back/failing a grade) is being considered, please, please, have your child evaluated first.
Here are two articles that tell you about the school-based and private process for assessment. You've got to know what you're dealing with here. More of the same may not help!!
You don't know what you don't know-Part !: The Special Education Referral
You don't know what you don't know-Part II: The Special Education Assessment
You can use the search bar on and look for posts related to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, learning disabilities, dyslexia, language processing problems and other areas of concern.
I also mentioned that since you live in California, go to the California Department of Education and evaluate the Content Standards for each grade in reading and math. See how your child measures up. Each state lists their educational standards.
Also, I referenced the Association of Educational Therapists where parents can find local resources for remediation for their children! Educational therapists are highly trained and offer remediation instead of just tutoring!
Good luck out there and I'll see you next week on the radio!
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