I'm skipping the half-time show because it's going to be another year of social justice themes.
We've been on the path to correct social ills ever since the country got started. It doesn't happen overnight. From a social psychology perspective, you can change the laws and you can change behavior, but you're not gonna change attitudes, especially if you keep shoving it down our throats.
The folks who don't care, don't listen and they sure don't care about your message. Let us work our human magic through a bit of evolution, will ya'? Ugh.
Want a preview? Here's the entire commercial although the whole thing will not play during the Super Bowl. Of course, not! Considering that a single 30-second spot costs $5 million and Budweiser has purchased 5 1/2 minutes of commercials, they're getting selective as to how they're spending it!
Now, of course, social issues permeate this commercial, too. Ah, a sign of the times.
The people who live on the edges of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone have done their best to support the dogs, but now, these pups have an opportunity to have a wonderful life if you adopt one.
Here's the info that tells you the "how". If you don't want to adopt one of these little guys, consider making a donation on this site to support a soldier to bring home the pup he worked with and loves while he was at war.
I think she has adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder just like this guy...
I asked her to think about the following experiences she may be having such as:
- Plans poorly
- Which then sets her up for disaster and she never learns (doesn't benefit from her experiences) because she isn't like to be monitoring herself
- Have a low level of frustration and ends up getting angry and devolves into being counterproductive
- Has frequent mood swings...likely related to the first three items or just general life dissatisfaction
- Behaves impulsively
- Unaware of time...is frequently late and does not manage time in a way that is consistent with being an adult
- Has trouble starting tasks and finishing them...surrounded by tons of unfinished projects.
- Is disorganized...doesn't know what to do first...so nothing gets done.
- Can't stay focused long enough to make progress on tasks (known as "task persistence"..Ha! perfect name!!)
- Struggles to do one thing at a time much less two
- Irritable..gets angry quickly and frequently
- Struggles with sleep, being restless or excessively "busy" physically
- Ineffective coping skills
These are some of the symptoms of the adult version Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and it has many of the same components as the kid version.
Sienna, you need an assessment to achieve an accurate diagnosis.
ADHD has many "parts" and you need to know which "part" is causing the greatest amount of difficulty so that once you are medically treated, you can get the right help in order to reduce the "intensity, frequency and duration" of the behaviors that are undermining you.
When I say treatment, yes, I do mean medication. See a psychiatrist. Don't see a general physician. This disorder is complex and requires special handling.
The reason you're exhausted, Sienna, is because you're driving the car while you work on it! Your life is chaotic and you see no way to even begin to manage it.
Consider ADDA which is Attention Deficit Disorder Association which is designed just for adults with the condition.
Try it out! You're on the road to changing your life.
I recommended that, as part of the approach to help her, that she be tested in school to determine if she qualifies for special education (behavioral as well as academic issues) and offered that mother evaluate two articles I have on my website related to this kind of assessment.
The Special Education Referral
The Special Education Assessment
Momma needs to have a very competent and seasoned psychologist who conducts assessments with children, teens and young adults comprehensively evaluate her daughter. It's critical that she knows exactly "what" issues she's dealing with. It's the only way to craft a plan and get started without wasting time or resources.
If Momma uses the DrClaudia.net search bar and keys in "attachment" and Fetal Alcohol, she'll find other articles to start her on her path to self-education.
Momma also needs to take her daughter in to see a pediatric endocrinologist to manage early puberty which may quickly lead to very, very early parenthood.
I'm seriously concerned about this kind of product, but you know what P.T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute". Apparently, there are a lot of us "suckers" out there because the company is sold out of the nasty rags!
I liked this article about the hazards and the potential for us to be scammed if we spend the $79 to buy somebody else's infected goo.
Yeah, it's a thing and it's happening. And yeah, I know you'll read the articles because it's just incredibly nuts.
Just do the best you can. It's usually good enough. Stay well. Stay warm. Enjoy what you can about the Super Bowl.
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